What I have been thinking about recently is the mash-up of music with outside mediums. Certain albums commonly remind me of a specific time, place, or person simply because of personal experience. But sometimes albums seem to fit so perfectly with an outside medium that it surpasses a personal "moment" and legitimately mashes up with the outside piece.
My classic example is Mario Kart 64 and The Cool Kids' "The Bake Sale."

The two are inseparably linked. Go ahead, try it.
Or, try Jose Gonzalez's "Veneer" with Waking Up in the Morning

Once again, try it out.
The "mash-up" experience also happens to me while reading or driving or (fill in the blank). There's a moment where I stop and think, these two were made for each other.
Ever experience that? Examples welcomed.
You and me seem like a pretty good "mash-up."
I couldn't resist.
Imogen Heap "Hide and Seek" + 2E Wengatz Shower
it's greatness
Pooping and anything lady gaga has done.
Also, I'd agree with Jacob, but it's been overdone at this point...
Also, Jorjette, that was one of the most sexual things you've ever said...
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