Monday, May 24, 2010
Spring Intake

Saturday, May 22, 2010
Summer Music
Monday, May 17, 2010
- Paste Magazine's chief editor, Josh Jackson, writes on the central characters of 24 and Dexter (as well as on the character of our centers).
- Twitterers worth following: fake tips for proper writing, inside Christian jokes, the guy that created Freaks & Geeks.
- Best online comic strip? (beware: occasionally R-rated)
- Tony and Peggy Campolo talk about their various opinions of homosexuals in the church.
- 10 new songs (often times awesome remixes), 5 times a week, free downloads, and free music advice.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Local Natives (w/Suckers): A Concert Review
Now onto Local Natives. After multiple recommendations of this band, I finally checked them out a couple weeks ago and, after a couple listens, I was hooked. Amidst other admirable attributes, they have great harmonies that beckon the listener to sing along, forcing me to fall in love with them. I also saw that they were playing the Blind Pig and my brother had been a mega-fan of their song, Airplanes since MySpace was cool/used, so we bought tickets to the show.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Relevant Confessions
When, therefore, someone says, ‘Moses meant what I understand by this passage,’ and someone else says, ‘No, he meant what I understand by it,’ I think I show more proper caution in saying: Why not both, if both are true? And if someone sees a third meaning in these words, or a fourth, or any truth at all, why should we not believe that Moses, through whom the one God tempered the Holy Scriptures to the minds of the many readers who would see various truths in them, himself saw them all? For my part, I am bold to avow that my own attitude is thus: if I were to write something of Scriptural authority, I would rather write in such a way that whatever truth one could comprehend about those matters, it would be echoed in my words, rather than write one true opinion so plainly as to exclude other opinions whose falsity could not offend me. I am reluctant, therefore, my God, to rush into believing that Moses did not receive a similar gift from you. In writing these words, Moses perceived and considered every truth that we have been able to find in them and every truth we have not been able to find, or have not yet been able to find but which nevertheless can be found in them.